Tales of the tribunal

Disputes Digest Episode #15

January 13, 2021

Graphic with a professional microphone, law books, audio lines, and a gavel and block. Made by Sarandipity - Visual Reality.




  1. The Economist Report, Here.
  2. UK-EU Arbitration Mechanism, Here.
  3. Montero v. Tanzania, Here.
  4. Lululemon v. Industrial Color Productions, Here.
  5. Law.com Report on Cannabis, Here.




  1. Univ. of Sydney, Here.
  2. Steptoe Posting, Here.
  3. C/M/S Posting, Here.
  4. Jus Mundi, Here.
  5. Denton’s Position, Here.




  1. MAA Event, Here.
  2. ASU Intl. ADR Conference, Here.
  3. REAL Launch, Here.
  4. ICC Event, Here.
  5. HK45 Event, Here.


    Hosts & Guests

    Chris Campbell

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